
The expression is: \s{2,} where \s would look for spaces and {2,} would for 2 o more of the characters previous mention. 2 or more to omit the space between first string. Lastly, you just place with a comma.

Ex. 2:

So the reg. expression is (\w*), (\w*), (\S.*) This will select last name, name, and institution as a individual group. Finally I will replace with \2 \1 (\3). This will change the order for Name Last Name and finally add parenthesis to the institution.

Ex. 3. This was pretty simple. Just look for .mp3\s and replace with .mp3\n this will delete the space, and create a new line after the .mp3

Ex. 4.

The expression is: (\d*) (.*).mp3. (\d*) will select the digits (.*).mp3 this will select everything else. Replace with \2_\1.mp3. This will reorder. The words first, the digits separated by a “_“, and add the .mp3


The expression is: (\w)\w+,(\w*),(\d*\.\d),(\d*). (\w)\w+, This will capture the first letter of the first word. (\w*) this will capture the second word,(\d*\.\d) this will capture the digits before the dot, the dot and the digit after the dot, (\d*) lastly this will capture the last digit after the comma. Replace with \1_\2.\4, basically add the first object and second separated with “_“, and add the fouth separated by a dot.

Ex. 6

The expression is very similar: (\w)\w+,(\w{4})\w+,(\d*\.\d),(\d*). The only change is the second group (\w{4})\w+ which is selecting the first 4 digits of the second word. Replace with the same as before.

Ex. 7

Again, is very similar: (\w{3})\w+,(\w{3})\w+,(\d*\.\d),(\d*). The main change is select the fist 3 letter of each word: (\w{3})\w+,(\w{3})\w+,. Lastly, just replace with: \1\2, \4, \3. This will join the to first characters, located the 4th separated by a comma, and the theird at the end, also separated by a comma.